Neither flood nor lunch pirate nor the doom and gloom of the Joey Douche stays These couriers from their swift unclogging of turds

Butter 1
Shit House Gang Battle Cry – Circa 2012Here’s a song we’d sing to Joey Douche – Goes with Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
It’s four o’clock and there’s no Douchie
He called out again today
Must have a major hangover
Boozing it up till 12 Wednesday
All of the other people
Are gonna have to stay
It’s another Douchie hangover
Too boozed up to make it to work today……
Then one foggy Wednesday eve
Bonnie had to say
Douchie make it to work Thursday
I can’t stand you another day
Then Douchie responded by boozing
And yet missed another day
It’s Thursday and there’s no Douchie
Someone’s gonna have to stay today
It’s Friday and the telephone’s ringing
Douchie called in sick again today
He’s gotta make his Costco run
Buying a case for Saturday and Sunday
And so goes the tale of the douchie
He’s out again today
Somebody better stay for poor douchie,
He’s hungover and going tooooo bed.